What is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy?

A person's balance issues can find resolution with Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, or VRT. Exercises are part of the vestibular rehabilitation therapy that helps you deal with dizziness and balance problems (imbalance). Therapy for vestibular rehabilitation takes time, but it can help you live a better life. 
Who Requires This Treatment?

Certain medical conditions that also affect your sense of balance can cause dizziness to be a symptom. Additionally, muscle fatigue and headaches may result from dizziness and balance issues. Among the conditions for which vestibular rehabilitation therapy from physiotherapist Brampton is beneficial are:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • BPPV, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  • Labyrinthitis
  • How Does the Therapy for Vestibular Rehabilitation Work?

Balance problems and dizziness go hand in hand. You can manage symptoms of dizziness, including imbalance, with vestibular rehabilitation therapy. Knowing more about the reasons you might feel very dizzy and how your body keeps its balance can help you understand how treatment works.

How Long Does an Average Program for Vestibular Rehabilitation Last?

That is dependent on your circumstance. How well you respond to therapy and the cause of your dizziness or balance problems will determine how much treatment you need.  

Some individuals might only require a few sessions. Others may require ongoing treatment from the physiotherapist Brampton for several months, including independent exercises.

What Benefits Does Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy Provide?

According to studies, vestibular rehabilitation therapy aids in the following:

  • Lower your chance of falling.
  • Get your balance back.
  • Reduce the symptoms of dizziness.
  • Improve your ability to maintain visual stability.
  • Strengthen your body more.

To know more about physiotherapist Brampton please visit our website.


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